Author Talk with Tanya Ko Hong | TWO LANGUAGES, TWO MINDS

 ㅇ Date and Time: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 (4-5 PM)
* End times are approximate. Events may end early or late.

 ㅇ Location: New York Public Library (53rd Street Library, Community Room)

The international author Tanya Ko Hong will read from her books and share the process of how non-native speakers can translate their lives into English, as well as how she personally writes in both languages. She will use her poem, “the Gap,” to share how different languages display different minds. She will use her “Second Period” poem for how immigrants feel when they learn languages. She will also discuss how history turns to poetry, how it affects society today, and how untold stories can be poetry with reference to excerpts from her work. This program is open to writers of all backgrounds, including non-poets.

Bora Yoon